Saturday, March 23, 2013

This Poor Eating Habits that Can Accelerate Aging & Shorten Age

Wrong eating habits or improper food choices, can cause aging ranging from body cells, making the body fit and ultimately may lead to premature death. 6 Avoid these bad eating habits in order to avoid premature aging, such as written NaturalNews, Saturday (03/23/2013), among others:1. Eating processed foods that contain trans fats and hydrogenated oilsTrans fats and oils terhidrogenisasi you can easily encounter on fast food. You also can get an adverse effect on the use of margarine terhidrogenisasi oil, which would be far better if you replace it with butter.Some studies suggest that foods containing trans fats and hydrogenated oils can shorten telomeres of chromosomes and increases cellular aging. Body cells that undergo physical aging makes a person more quickly to premature aging and life expectancy is shorter.2. Eating in hasteDo not eat under pressure. If you feel hungry, but being in haste, eat an apple or banana to block the stomach until you can sit and eat comfortably, so it is able to chew properly.Hastily eating habits can make poor digestion and metabolism, so that will also indirectly affect the health of aging due to poor quality.3. Eating sugary foods or those containing sucroseSugary foods can cause a spike in blood sugar, which in turn affects the insulin response, leading to obesity and diabetes. Not only that, sweet foods also affect the oxidation process that ironically can accelerate aging.Sucrose can also increase the accumulation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products) which makes a person to experience premature aging.4. Diets high in sodaThe artificial sweetener known as aspartame soda even worse than sucrose, so you really should avoid soda. Aspartame is excitoxin neuron death that can stimulate brain cells when taken long term.Death of brain cells can cause dementia or brain cancer, which may shorten your life span.5. Eating food or beverages with added high fructose corn syrupAvoid consuming beverages that contain ingredients high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as you avoid soda. HCFS also sometimes added to cookies or candy, so you need to be aware that foods labeled 'corn syrup'.Metabolism of the body is unable to process HCFS into energy quickly, even longer than glucose. Half of the material will be trapped in the liver and contribute to liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, or cancer.6. Eating foods made from white flourIf you are fond of foods like white bread, pasta, or pizza, you might as well be eating a handful of sugar. It would be better if you eat foods made from grains such as wheat and beans are free from added sugar.

Si Kenyok

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